This project is to manage your product (ex: βwatch). you can add product and edit quantity as you like.
I implemented login and signup using firebase to make sure only authorize user can add product to the site.
I designed the project using figma and developed it using react, and for css framework used tailwind. And for Back-End I used NodeJs(Express), MongoDB(Mongoose)
to store data and for backend auth used JWT.
π²Live Site Link ππ½ Click Here
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Key Technologies
User can login using google or email and password, for authentication i used firebase and to make it more simple i used
"react-firebase-hooks": "^5.0.3"

Login Page
Users can see all products in a table where user can edit the product quantity or delete the product.

Login Page
The whole website is mobile responsive but still not perfect in my mind. In coming future I will try to improve the project in many ways.
If anyone intersted to work on the project just create an .env