Stalker Mama logs who join your discord voice chat. For that all you need to do is add Stalker Mama to your server and the bot will create a text channel name stalker-log
, now you are good to go.

Project Thumbnail
Key Technologies
How to Invite the bot
To invite the bot click here 👉 ➕ Invite the bot to your server.
Now create a text channel stalker-log
and truned notification off for the text channel.
NOTE: I recommend you to make the #stalker-log text channel private and give bot permission to the text channel
How It Works
Stalker Mama logs who join your discord voice chat. For that all you need to do is add Stalker Mama to your server🎉. The bot will create a text channel name stalker-log
, now you are good to go.
project prview
Project logo
Project Screenshot
Text Commands
- replay with pong
will add more commands in future
How to install on your machine
Need nodeJs 12.0+, clone the repo and create .env
file in root dir and use the env.example
After that install all needed packages write sudo npm install
, for windows npm install
, you can learn more about what packages i used on 👉 package.json
run the code using npm run dev
or npm run start